New Book KISS WHAT? By Former Rock Star Nick Costello Challenges Teenagers To Be A True Worshiper Of God And Live Out Their Faith Uncompromisingly
New Book KISS WHAT? By Former Rock Star Nick Costello Challenges Teenagers To Be A True Worshiper Of God And Live Out Their Faith Uncompromisingly
(PRWEB) September 26, 2012
Our world appears to be sliding downhill morally and spiritually like never before in history. Christians of all denominations are called to be a light in the darkness. A true worshiper of God doesn't compromise with how God desires for them to live. Sadly, as respected author and communicator Josh McDowell who has spoken to over 10 million youth worldwide claims young people are being, "tossed and carried about by all kinds of destructive forces that abound in the culture before them."
Nick Costello believes music is one of the forces which can provide a voice speaking unhealthy messages into the hearts and minds of today's youth. Certain song lyrics can shape their values, belief system, attitudes and lifestyles in a negative way. In KISS WHAT? Nick takes a close look at music and what a Christian's music listening habits should look like as a worshiper of God.
After 20 years of working with youth, Nick has heard the cries pf parents expressing concern their teenager has walked away from their faith and even given up on God. Parents have witnessed their teenagers participation in certain music and entertainments as contributing to their teenager being drawn away from worshiping God alone. Nick is convinced, one reason their teenager's spiritual growth deteriorates is from believing negative song lyrics to be true.
KISS WHAT? is a great resource to help parents and youth leaders understand music, help their teen learn how to discern what is spiritually unhealthy or unhealthy for them to participate in and how to become a true worshiper of God. Click here to view promotional book trailer.
Nick Costello speaks from personal experience. He spent over 25 years in the secular music industry and attained his childhood dream of becoming a rock star. Nick is now founder of Nick Costello Evangelistic Ministries. His bio includes being a graduate of The Billy Graham North American Institute For Emerging Evangelists, a popular seminar and conference speaker, freelance writer and worship leader. He speaks to people of all ages throughout North America, helping Christians of all ages mature in their spiritual growth, deepen their faith in Christ and present the hope Christ offers in a relationship with Him.
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